суббота, 28 января 2012 г.

iOS and Android: Single Sign-On Best Practices

Over a year ago, we introduced Single Sign-On (SSO) for Android and iOS. Today, more than 350 million active users currently access Facebook through their mobile devices. Users logged into the Facebook for iOS or Facebook for Android app can use the “Login with Facebook” button and, in one-click through a permissions dialog, login to your app. This saves users from typing in an e-mail address and password for apps that require registered users. Since the launch of SSO, developers implementing it in their apps have enjoyed increased user registrations and access to the Graph API to build in-app social experiences.

Read more - http://bit.ly/y1gTUb

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  1. Facebook for Android 1.6.1 Lets You Post to, Search For, and Tag Pages (12.6)
  2. Facebook for Android v1.6 Adds Video Uploading and Page Browsing (11.8)
  3. Even as Android Eclipses iOS in U.S. Mobile Subscribers, It Still Lags in Facebook Mobile’s Footprint (11.7)
  4. Facebook Focuses on Speed For Its Latest Android App Update (11.5)
  5. Facebook’s iPhone and Android Apps Let You Find Friends From Your Phone Book, Grow the Site (10.9)

пятница, 27 января 2012 г.

Facebook’s Subscribe Button Works Best With Engagement

About an hour after we first posted about how U.S. media analyst Jim Romenesko questioned the quality of his subscribers on the social network, Facebook’s Journalist Program Manager Vadim Lavrusik showed us all how to ask a better question.
Lavrusik has 71,090 subscribers, nearly five times as many as Romenesko, whose journalism career has lasted longer by more times than that.
But Lavrusik just demonstrated that the subscribe button doesn’t automatically engage readers. Perhaps just asking questions isn’t enough, but rather starting a dialogue.
But let’s back up here. Romenesko and Lavrusik have been bandying back and forth after the latter posted that journalists have experienced a 320 percent increase in subscriptions since November, 2011.
Romenesko posted on his own Facebook wall: “What kind of Facebook subscribers are you getting?”
This came after Lavrusik suggested to Romenesko that he ask his readers what kind of Facebook subscribers the journalists are getting.
Romenesko had written that he believed the majority of his subscribers outside the U.S. are spammers, while Ludsik claims they found the popular blogger out of interest in U.S. media. The Facebook journalist program manager suggested that Romenesko ask his non-U.S. subscribers who they are.
When Romenesko posted the question in simple terms, without making conversation, he only heard back from 20 subscribers. Lavrusik showed how to do this better by starting a conversation with his subscribers. That garnered 191 responses within an hour.
Jennifer Moire contributed to this story.

четверг, 26 января 2012 г.

You WILL reveal your past! Facebook’s timeline feature becomes mandatory for all users – with just 7 days to ‘clean up’

Facebook’s Timeline – a new look for people’s Profile pages which exposes their entire history on the site – will become mandatory for all users.

The 'timeline' view will give your Facebook page a more 'magazine-like' feel - and will, Mark Zuckerberg promises, 'tell the story of your life'. So far, though, only New Zealanders can enjoy itThe ‘new look’ has been voluntary up until now.
From now, users will simply be notified that they are being ‘updated’ via an announcement at the top of their home page, which users click on to activate Timeline.
As with voluntary switches to Timeline, those who are ‘updated’ will have just seven days to select which photos, posts and life events they want to advertise to the world.

Read more - http://bit.ly/z49jQ3

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  1. Facebook Launches New Profile Feature “Timeline” For Showing All Your Important Content on One Page (15.4)
  2. Facebook Launches New Profile Feature “Timeline” For Showing All Your Important Content on One Page (15.3)
  3. Facebook запускает платформу Timeline Apps (14.6)
  4. Timeline Goes Live for Users Around the World (13.6)
  5. Facebook approving Open Graph Timeline integrations starting today, announces 60 new app partners (12.3)

Launching the Improved Auth Dialog

Over the past few months, we’ve been testing and iterating on the new Auth Dialog to incorporate feedback from users, developers and other third parties. By introducing new ways for people learn about an app and giving them more control over their data, we believe this update will benefit both users and developers. Today, we’re making the improved version available and announcing the migration plan for developers.

Read more - http://bit.ly/yMf0KX 

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  2. Facebook updates app install dialog for user clarity
  3. The Send Dialog, for Integrated Private Sharing
  4. Facebook Launches Send Dialog So Apps and Sites Can Prompt Users to Microshare
  5. How-To: Handle Revoked Auth Permissions

среда, 25 января 2012 г.

Open Graph now available

http://pureinfotech.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/facebook-timeline-open-graph-get-started.pngAt f8, we announced Timeline and the Open Graph – the next generation of the platform which enables people to tell their stories through the apps they use. The Open Graph has already had a significant impact on music, news, and video, but this was just the beginning. Starting today, developers can build apps that let people add anything they love to their Timelines – whether it is eating, traveling, shopping, running or taking pictures.

Похожие статьи:

  1. Facebook approving Open Graph Timeline integrations starting today, announces 60 new app partners
  2. Facebook approving any Open Graph Timeline integrations starting today, announces 60 new app partners
  3. How to Use Facebook Open Graph Apps for Marketing Through the Ticker and Timeline
  4. How to Use Facebook Open Graph Apps for Marketing Through the Ticker and Timeline
  5. Open Graph Roadshow