суббота, 28 января 2012 г.

iOS and Android: Single Sign-On Best Practices

Over a year ago, we introduced Single Sign-On (SSO) for Android and iOS. Today, more than 350 million active users currently access Facebook through their mobile devices. Users logged into the Facebook for iOS or Facebook for Android app can use the “Login with Facebook” button and, in one-click through a permissions dialog, login to your app. This saves users from typing in an e-mail address and password for apps that require registered users. Since the launch of SSO, developers implementing it in their apps have enjoyed increased user registrations and access to the Graph API to build in-app social experiences.

Read more - http://bit.ly/y1gTUb

Похожие статьи:

  1. Facebook for Android 1.6.1 Lets You Post to, Search For, and Tag Pages (12.6)
  2. Facebook for Android v1.6 Adds Video Uploading and Page Browsing (11.8)
  3. Even as Android Eclipses iOS in U.S. Mobile Subscribers, It Still Lags in Facebook Mobile’s Footprint (11.7)
  4. Facebook Focuses on Speed For Its Latest Android App Update (11.5)
  5. Facebook’s iPhone and Android Apps Let You Find Friends From Your Phone Book, Grow the Site (10.9)

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